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Our services solve every business problem
Our team has a track record of helping brands profitably scale based on high-performance strategies.
Payment based on the number of ad impressions. The ad is charged every time it is shown 1,000 times, regardless of the number of clicks or conversions.
Advertisers only pay when a user clicks on an ad. This model is suitable for campaigns that want to increase website traffic.
Payment is made for each generated information about a potential client, such as signing up for a newsletter or filling out a contact form. It is used to collect contact information of potential clients.
Advertisers pay when a user performs a specific action, such as registering, making a purchase, or downloading an application. This model is suitable for campaigns focused on conversions.
Payment is made when the ad results in the sale of a product or service. This model is aimed at generating direct income.
This model is used for mobile apps, where advertisers pay each time a user installs an app through ads. It is suitable for increasing the number of users of the application.
Advertiser and publisher share the revenue generated by the sale of products or services. The publisher receives a percentage of the total revenue, which motivates a long-term partnership and high engagement.
The advertiser pays the publisher only when the user buys a product or service through the ad. This model is ideal for maximizing the return on investment because it is paid exclusively by the achieved sales result.
Why you need Email marketing
To increase new customer acquisition and retention for e-commerce brands, we work across the entire customer journey. Our team has a track record of helping brands profitably scale based on high-performance strategies.
Make your marketing more efficient
E-commerce brands can acquire and retain new customers using solutions that cover the entire customer journey.
Marketing content
Our team has a track record of helping brands profitably scale based on high-performance strategies. E-commerce brands can acquire and retain new customers using solutions that cover the entire customer journey.
Social marketing
Leads are nurtured through our email, SMS and automation services, resulting in customer acquisition and retention.
Growth drives everything we do
To increase new customer acquisition and retention for e-commerce brands, we work across the entire customer journey.
24/7 Customer Support
At Passion Match Media, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality service to our clients. That's why we are proud to offer 24/7 support to our customers. Our team is available every day, whether it's a weekday or a weekend.